Markenkooperation - Ansprache von potentiellen Markenpartnern inkl. Konzept, Akquise, Entwicklung & Roll out der Markenpartnerschaft

Our tried and tested system guarantees a successful brand collaboration:

  • STEP 1: Concept
  • SETP 2: Hot-List of possible brand partners
  • STEP 3: C-Level Approach
  • STEP 4: Roll-out

We use the ALPHA POOL COLLABORATION MATRIX to help you craft a successful, unique brand collaboration tailored to your needs and requirements.

We provide a list of all suitable brands and find the ideal partner to collaborate with your brand.

We have over 20,000 brands in our database. 

Our Four-Step-Method to create an outstanding brand collaboration:

STEP 1 - CONCEPT - Everything starts with the right pitch



  1. How will the collaboration look like?

  2. What are the search parameters?

  3. Who (what brands) are we looking for?

    1. Brands that we have access to

    2. Brands that we would like to acquire

  1. A HOTLIST of the top 30 brands (prioritised)

  2. Pitch-Deck

STEP 2 - APPROACH - C-Level Access

  1. Approach of the brands according to how they have been prioritised

  2. Preliminary conversations to get interest of 2 – 3 brands (best case)

  3. Appointments with potential partners

  4. Decision together with Toyota who will become brand partner

  1. At least one brand partner that will collaborate

STEP 3 - ELABORATE - Be creative



Final negotiations with the final brand partner

  1. Finalizing the concept

  2. Visualisation

  3. product development

  1. All content that is necessary for the contract

STEP 4 - ROLL-OUT - Collaboration with existing agency network

The activation of a brand collaboration is at least 50% of the whole story: 



  1. The marketing and communication of an exceptional brand collaboration is most of the time as important as the collaboration itself.

  2. That is why the development of the campaign strategy for market launch should be done together with the brand partner to get best of both worlds.

  1. ALPHA POOL will manage this process – especially if the brand partner is out of the fashion or lifestyle industry.


What do we need to start:

In order for us to be able to implement this service for you in the best possible way, we need the following documents from you:

  • a company presentation
  • a branded pitch deck
  • a sales presentation
  • a look book
  • Description of brand identity
  • Brand bible or the brand handbook

Assess yourself correctly

In order to be able to correctly estimate the amount of work for you and for us, it is necessary to correctly classify yourself as a brand. The following classification serves as a guide:

Classification easy normal heavy
brand awareness High average low
brand desirability high average low
ranking Fortune 500 Top 1,000 National Brand
competition low average high
marketing budget > 100 Mio. € / year < 100 Mio. € / year < 1,000.000 € / year


The following services are already included in the price of this product:

Research & creation of a top list with potential brand partners
✓ Coordination & prioritization of potential brand partners with the customer
✓ Addressing potential brand partners according to customer prioritization until final feedback is received
✓ Coordination & support up to an agreement between customer and future brand partner
✓ Reporting of all feedback


The following services are not included in the price of this product:

a sales commission on successful completion in the amount of 15% (setup costs incurred will be offset against the closing commission. However, the setup costs are non-refundable)
✗ legal support
✗ Travel expenses incurred by all parties involved in carrying out the order
✗ special customer requests that are not covered by the product description and lead to additional financial expenses

We calculate all items not included in the price separately, but only after prior consultation and approval.

Brand collaborations ....

Or why many companies fail to realize their potential and how to change that

Why brand collaborations often fail and how to overcome these challenges.

To realize the full potential of brand collaborations, companies should adjust their expectations, develop a win-win strategy and approach a large enough list of potential partners. By overcoming these challenges, brand collaborations can become an effective strategy for growth and success. 

The most common mistakes and how to avoid them - a short guide:

A. False expectations:

Many brand managers approach potential brand collaborations with unrealistic expectations. They often overestimate their own brand awareness and attractiveness to potential partners. In order to successfully enter into brand partnerships, it is crucial to have an objective view of your own brand and to understand how the brand is perceived from the outside.


Try to look at your brand from the perspective of a potential partner. Analyze your strengths and weaknesses and identify which aspects of your brand might be attractive to other companies.

B. Self-interest instead of mutual benefits:

Another common mistake is for brand managers to focus only on the benefits their own brand can derive from a partnership. It's important to keep in mind the benefits to the potential partner as well.


When planning brand collaborations, develop a win-win strategy that benefits both your company and the potential partner. Think about what synergies could be created and how both brands can add value together.

C. Too few potential partners:

Many brand managers are unaware that the success rate for brand collaborations is often low. From experience, we as an agency assume a ratio of 1:10 - only one in ten companies approached says yes to a cooperation. Therefore, it is important to create a sufficiently large list of potential partners.


broaden your horizons and create a list of 20-30 companies that you can approach in order to attract 2-3 potential brand partners. Also, think outside the box and consider companies that are not the usual suspects.

D. Sales Orientation:

Brand collaborations are often seen as a pure marketing issue, but they are closely linked to sales. Companies often lack a clear overview of the status of contacting potential partners and the results of the discussions.


Integrate the sales department into the brand collaboration process. Ensure there are clear responsibilities and regular updates on the status of partnership inquiries.

E. TOP-Down Approach:

In order to bring about decisions quickly, it is important to speak directly to decision makers. However, many companies shy away from contacting people far above their own position in someone else's company.


Either put it in the hands of the management or commission an external agency that approaches the potential brand partners at C-level. (Here, of course, a transparent success control is absolutely necessary).

F. Execution:

After a brand partner has been found, the implementation of the cooperation is crucial. Many companies stay in their familiar marketing structures instead of getting involved with the partner's potentially new industry.


Be open to new things and adapt your marketing strategy to the partner's industry and target groups. Successful brand collaboration requires flexibility and adaptability.

G. Out-of-the-box thinking:

Both in the selection of the partner and in all other areas of brand cooperation, it is important to leave familiar paths and take new, unusual approaches.


Promote creative thinking within your company and encourage your team to develop innovative ideas and strategies for brand collaborations.

H. Selection criteria:

Many companies use classic selection criteria for potential partners without giving them any weight. The main focus is on creating extraordinary and unusual collaborations between two brands that amaze customers.


Rethink the selection criteria for potential brand partners and focus on factors that lead to innovative and surprising collaborations. Weight the criteria according to their importance for the success of the collaboration.

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